MÜVing Intentionally into 2017

Let’s be real with one another.  Many of us tend to start a new year with an intense, unrealistic exercise routine and a new and improved diet. Diets tend to be trendy and they lack sustainability. Why not start 2017 with a lasting lifestyle change? Maybe that could be exercising 3x’s per week for 30 minutes or it could be drinking more water per day. The reality is life is short and everyday is a gift. Why not make 2017 the year you start taking better care of yourself? The year you accept and love yourself for where you are at and the year you work towards having a better quality of life. Take a 3 day weekend, turn off your cell phone, spend some time outside soaking up the sun and JUST BREATH (from your diaphragm:). MÜV challenges you to practice self care at least 30 minutes per day and let us know how 2017 turns into the best year of taking care of yourself that you have ever had. Please share your self care practices below.